Speaking Volumes

Street of Crocodiles 5

2022-02-26T13:56:37-05:00September 1st, 2021|

I walked into the “Confederation Road Trip Fine Dining Restaurant” in Shelburne shortly after the rain stopped. It was suitably adorned with antique household items [...]

Street of Crocodiles

2022-02-26T14:16:21-05:00August 20th, 2021|

“Do you have a copy of ‘The Street of Crocodiles’?“ The speaker was a burly man, full beard, unkempt hair with sad eyes. Melancholic eyes. [...]

Ice Cream / Candy

2022-02-26T14:20:10-05:00August 15th, 2021|

The man standing before me was in his mid-sixties, well-tanned, wearing a yellow-striped golf shirt and a baby-blue golf cap. “Do you have any Spumoni?” [...]


2022-02-26T14:26:01-05:00August 13th, 2021|

If you are passing along Highway 10 in Flesherton, you might observe that the space between the coffee shop and the tattoo parlour has been [...]

Missing Person

2022-02-26T14:34:27-05:00August 5th, 2021|

Some of the readers of this post have asked to be kept abreast of any news regarding the customer with the handlebar moustache who went [...]


2022-02-26T14:36:49-05:00August 4th, 2021|

Sometime last summer, a customer whom I had never seen before, wearing a Blue Jays cap and a handlebar moustache, came into the store. He [...]

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